
Welcome, your experience starts now.


Siga as instruções a seguir através de um computador Desktop ou Notebook.



You are about to revolutionize the development of your projects.

Getting here is already a great achievement.

However, we need to continue helping you to make the most out of the Collection Library.
Press Next to continue...


Download the file

Download the plugin by clicking below:

Remember which page the file was saved.


Installing the plugin

Follow these steps within Sketchup:
  • Open the Extension Manager located in the Extensions tab on the top toolbar of SketchUp.
  • Click on Install Extension.
  • Locate the plugin file that you just downloaded.
  • Drag and drop the Collection Library icon onto the toolbar for easy access.


Test scene

Now, let's use a scene created by our team to show you how to use the plugin within SketchUp.
Download the scene to get started:
Download da scene
Once the download is complete, open the file in SketchUp.


Applying Materials

Open the scene in SketchUp, click on the Collection icon to open the plugin.
Procure pelo material Or De Cacau Portobello na barra de pesquisas.
Click the button
at the material card to
download it.
Click on the floor surface to apply the material.


3D Materials

Now, let's learn how to apply materials that have a bumped 3D surface.
IMPORTANT: The main difference is that materials with 3D surfaces need to be applied outside of groups, and not on surfaces.
Search for the Marinha Concreto material in the search bar.
Click the
button at the material card to
download it.
Click on the wall (outside of the group) to apply the material.


Add Models

Let's add a 3d model to the scene now:
Click on the Modelos 3D tab located in the top-left corner of the plugin.
Search for the Cadeira Prima in the search bar.
Click the
button on the model card to
download it.
Place the model in the center of the scene.
Now, all that's left is to render the scene...


Your finished the Collection experience.

If you have any questions, please contact support by clicking here.
Don't forget to follow us on social media:
Thanks, and have fun with your projects!

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